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Our Aim
SF FoodFriends - Fighting COVID 19 together!
Build Community in a time of Social Distancing and Isolation.
*The safety of our community members is our top priority. Please follow all protocols outlined when helping
How SF Food Friends Matching works
It's easy. A member in need will request help for buying groceries and other items such as toiletries and non-prescription medications at the beginning of each week. When available, a volunteer will be matched with a member in need within their area.
Once a match is made, the volunteer contacts his/her match to ask for their shopping list and coordinate the delivery during the week.
The volunteer can also choose to be paired with one individual to assist them until the end of the social distancing period and/or until one individual decides they would like to stop working together. They can have check in calls and create an emotional support system during this time of isolation

This match program is organized by private citizens for the benefit of those in our community. All facilitators associated with SF Food Friends are considered harmless and accept no risk and responsibility and further hold. For any additional questions, please contact SFFoodFriends@gmail.com.
We take the privacy of your personal information very seriously and will only use the data that you provide to match you with a SF Food Friends Match that also lives in your community. Once we have made a match the volunteer will receive an email with contact information to reach the At Risk Match.

Take Action Now

We are currently focusing on San Francisco as we are setting up everything but we will try to look into expanding soon! If you need help setting up a similar platform in another area feel free to contact us!